Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcome 2014

It's been a busy first day of 2014 in the Efird house. Yes, I FINALLY took my shower after being in my pjs all day just to switch into a fresh pair of pjs. But don't let that fool you. We have gotten rid of all the Christmas decor in this house. Tree is gone. Lights are down (except that one strand that Steve can't get to without a really tall ladder). Every little pine needle has been sucked up in the vacuum. The living room has been rearranged and all the hardwoods have been cleaned. The laundry has been running nonstop and I even cleaned out the coat closet. The boys were good sports and helped with most of it. I feel like my home is back to normal...a clean slate.

 Our traditional New Year's Day dinner is cooking. The smell of pork tenderloin, black eyed peas, collard greens and corn bread fill the house. This is one of my favorite meals of the year. I only wish the rest of my family was as excited about it as I am.

 As the sun goes down on the first day of 2014, it's time to get my goals for the year down on paper. The are so many things that I want to accomplish this year, but I have to try to keep it simple to stay on track.

 1. Become members of our church. We do truly love our church and our church family. I'm not saying we will become members by the end of January, but I'd love to end 2014 as active members of our church. This will help our family keep God first in everything we do and bring us even closer to one another.

 2. Running goals. This is a hard one. There are so many goals I'd like to have for my running. Run a 10K, run a 5K in less than 30 minutes, run 12 races in 12 months and cross train twice a week.

 3. Drink more water. This one is simple. I just don't drink enough water and need to make it a priority to drink more.

 4. Flirt with my husband. Yes, flirt!  We are celebrating our 15th anniversary this year and sometimes in our busy lives I feel like we sometimes forget to be a couple.  So, it's time to FLIRT!

5.  Make a family budget and stick to it. I've actually already started this one. The budget has been made...sticking to it will be the hard part. I'm also planning to participate in a weekly savings challenge. I found the idea for the challenge on Pinterest. FIND IT HERE

 I'm not sure I'll reach all of these goals...but that's why they are goals. It's something to shoot for! Bring on 2014!!!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Reflecting on 2013

As New Year's Eve approaches I've found myself reflecting on the past year a lot lately. I feel as if I've grown tremendously over the past year. There have been many ups and downs but those are the things that make us who we are. This year, 2013, started off rough. I lost one of my favorites on New Year's Eve. Tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of the loss of Momee. It was a tremendous loss for our entire family. I've found myself on multiple occasions wishing I could just talk to her one more time. If only she was here to listen to what was on my mind and point me in the right direction. She was the most spectacular woman I've ever known (My mother is a close second) and I only wish that one day I can be a fraction of the person she was. I firmly believe that her loss has brought me closer to God. I talk to Him often. Steve and I have finally found a church that we all love. We feel like home there and have discussed becoming members. This is a HUGE step. We have been looking for a church off and on since we got married 14 years ago and had never found that perfect fit. I FINALLY think we found it. In 2013 I became a runner. I can't believe I can actually say that. Yes, I ran track in High School...but I never considered myself a RUNNER. In High School, I only ran short distances and hurdles...and I wasn't good at it. At all. One fabulous person who I knew through my boy's school posted one day on facebook asking if anyone was interested in a Couch to 5K class. I had attempted the C25K program many times on my own and had failed miserably. I immediately called my sister to see if she would be interested in taking the class with me. This class, called Running on Faith, met on Wednesday nights for 10 weeks. On the first day of class I couldn't run longer than one minute without walking. It was sad, but I was determined. Every Wednesday night our group would meet, talk about running and that week's devotions and then we would all go out and run together. Everyone would go at their own pace, but we were all there for each other. The accountability is what I needed. At the end of the 10 weeks I ran my first 5K with my sister. It was the first time I had ever run the entire 5K without stopping. I can't tell you how proud I was of myself! I've run in a total of six 5K races since completing the C25K class and can't wait to run more! Running has become a part of my life. I think I've finally decided what I want to be when I grow up! I know, it took me long enough...but I think I've figured it out. I LOVE working at my preschool. I'm in the toddler classroom two days a week and in the office the other days. I couldn't be happier. I have continued to take Early Childhood Education classes through Stanly Community College. I'm lucky that all the courses are offered online. I can't seem to take more than one class at a time in my crazy schedule, but I'm doing it! So far, I've made an A in every EDU class I've taken. One day I will finally have my degree even if it does take me forever to get there! The boys are getting older and everyday I think of how fast this time is going by. Blake is almost 11 and in 5th grade. Davis is 8 and in 3rd grade. I've learned in the past year to slow down and enjoy them while I can. The dishes aren't as important as playing Skip Bo with your oldest (even if he beats you every time) or checking out the frog that your youngest just caught in the yard (which could happen daily). They will only be little for a short amount of time, I need to cherish every minute. I've also learned that if you don't advocate for your child, no one will. You have to be your child's voice. That is one of your main jobs as a parent. Don't worry about what toes you have to step on, just do whatever is best for your child. It will all be worth it in the end. Steve and I celebrated 14 years of marriage. I feel as if our marriage is just as strong today as it was the day we got married. I can honestly say I married my best friend. I can't wait to grow old with him and can't imagine my life without him. I can't wait to see what 2014 brings. I'm sure it will be full of ups and downs, just like any year. As long as I have my family by my side, I'm sure it will be just as awesome as 2013.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

My love for Coupons!

I really do love to shop with coupons! And I love even more that I've had the time to shop with coupons now that the boys are back in school. I really need to make it a point, one day a week, to sit down and make my shopping list. You just save so much money by shopping with coupons! Today, I went to Harris Teeter (the BEST place with coupons!) armed with my coupons and didn't stray from my list. That's the biggest rule...STICK to your list! This is what I bought today...
I spent $5.10...YES, $5.10! The bacon was $2.99 of that!!! You just can't beat it! And every single item is an item that we currently use in our house. I didn't buy things just to buy them because I had a coupon. Now, I usually don't buy the thick cut bacon but $2.99 is a deal for bacon. And I don't usually buy Turkey sausage, but with the coupon it was FREE and I can use it when I make breakfast burritos (no one in my family will know it's turkey bacon in those!). LOVE LOVE LOVE coupon shopping!!!!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Martha comes out when the kids are away...

Today is the first day of school for my boys after a long, fun summer. They were both excited to go back this morning to see their friends and start new adventures as a 3rd and 5th grader! I'm also excited for them to be back at school. I crave for our family to be on a routine, no matter how busy it is. So, every year I look forward to that first day of school and the first signs of the normal routine coming back. Here are my grown up boys all ready for school.
I have this week at home to myself to get some things done before I go back to work next Wednesday. This morning, I took advantage of a little ME time. I used a gift certificate for a much needed pedicure. It was so relaxing to sit there while I read my book while being pampered a little. Once home, a little Martha came out. ;) I decided to tackle two Pinterest recipes that I had been eyeing. The first was homemade no bake chewy granola bars. Here is the link where I found the recipe. I like the fact that you can pick your own mix ins for this recipe. HERE They were really easy to make. The recipe didn't really fill a 9x13 pan. I left about 2 inches on the end with no mix. I pressed them down with wax paper. Also, I chose to mix in peanut butter and chocolate chips. My first mistake was not waiting long enough for the mix to cool before stirring in the chocolate chips. Mine melted...but they will still taste good. ;) I individually wrapped them in plastic wrap and left out 2 for the boys to try when they get home from school. I tasted them and thought they were pretty good, but the true test will be with the boys eat them.
Next, I made these banana oat cookies. I was looking forward to making them since Steve and I are trying to eat better and it's hard to find things to curb my sweet tooth. I did add chocolate chips and I'm so glad I did. I really was disappointed with this recipe and I probably will not make them again. The chocolate chips are really what made them worth eating. But it was a super easy recipe and a lot better for you than regular cookies!
I only have about 45 minutes before it's time to find out how the boys first day at school went. Let's see how much cleaning I can get done in that time!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

My heart aches

This past week has been one of the hardest I've ever experienced. My nights are still full of tears and I'm sure they will be for a long time to come. My grandmother, Momee, finally ended her long battle with Alzheimer's. She is the most amazing woman I have ever known. I don't think there is any way I could put together the right words to explain everything that she meant to me. Those who were lucky enough to have had her in their life will all understand. She was just plain remarkable. I will forever hope and pray that I just be a fraction of the woman that she was. I feel like our family has lost their rock....the glue that holds us all together and keeps us sane. Exactly six years ago, Momee gave Papoo (my grandfather) their love story written in her own words for Christmas. I've read it many times over the past few days and cry every time. I just have to share some of her words...I feel like she is talking to me from heaven...This is definitely a gift that I will always cherish.
"It is my hope when our time to die comes that all of you will remember the good times. That you will always be the same good loving caring persons that you are. That you will do your best to continue to love each other first, and love all people. To do good in the world, to play more and work less, and to remember to celebrate our deaths as a victory. We feel sure we will be in heaven, not in a hurry but just sitting up there somewhere on a cloud - watching you!!! This old body will decay, but up there in the sky there will be our spirits watching each of you. Laughing and applauding all that each of you are doing as you get on with the rest of your lives."

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The many hats of a mother...

Yes, a mother wears many hats. I keep remembering Dr. Jones (my OB) talking to me at my 6 week check up after having Davis. He said..."Remember a mother wears many hats. You are HEATHER first, then a wife, then Blake's mom, then Davis' mom. Don't forget to wear everyone of those hats everyday." It's definatly a juggling act. I've been thinking about Dr. Jones' words a lot lately as our lives get busier and busier. Mainly I've been thinking of ways I can improve my life with each hat that I wear. Blake and Davis are both playing Fall Rec Baseball and Challenge Baseball. We spend more nights than not at the baseball field. I joke that it's our home away from home. On top of that Davis is in Cub Scouts and Blake is starting a basketball handlers club at school. I feel like most of our week consists of school, homework and running to and from extra activities. With the help of one of my newest addictions, Pinterest, I started "Mommy & Me" notebooks with each of my boys. These are cheap (.50 each from Walmart) composition notebooks, or cow notebooks, that we write notes to each other in almost daily. I will write a little something to Blake in his and leave it on his pillow one night and the next night he will write back and leave it on mine. I feel like this is just an extra way that I can make sure to tell them I'm proud of them and they can share anything they want with me. They are loving it and I'm so glad we started this. They will love going back and reading through them as the year goes on. Now, when it comes to the wife hat...I gave Steve a gift for Christmas that I also found on Pinterest. It was his FAVORITE gift! I made 12 envelopes with pre-planned date nights. One for each month of the year. It's been almost a year since I gave him that gift and I have to be honest...we haven't done a good job of keeping up with monthly date nights. We HAVE done a lot better about making time for "us" than we have in the past. This weekend we had one of our date nights. It wasn't one of the pre-planned ones and I have to say it was one of my favorite dates so far! We went to the Harvest Fest at Dennis Vineyards. We tasted wine and listened to great music. Then we went to one of our old favorites from when we were dating, Yadkin Valley Steakhouse. We stuffed our faces with steaks and all the fixings and then finished the evening at the Badin Road Drive In. We took the Jeep, put the seats down in the back and snuggled up in blankets while we watched The Odd Life of Timothy Green and Trouble With the Curve. Both GREAT movies! It was a wonderful night and made me realize we need to do things "just us" more often. The hardest part of wearing many hats is remembering to do things for yourself. Most people tend to put themselves on the back burner and I'm no different. I just turned 35 last month and I've decided that it's past time to do some things to better myself. I want people to be able to look at me as ...Heather and not just Steve's wife or Blake and Davis' mom. I've been trying my hardest to run. Now, let me say I am NOT a runner. Not by any stretch of the imagination. Just ask my track coach from High School. I only ran short distances. Yes, I have long legs and should be able to be a runner, but I've just never been good at it. I've been working with the Couch to 5K program for several years off and on. I've finally gotten serious about it and try to run at least twice a week. It's hard to find the time when you are a busy mom, but I've been know to run in my neighborhood at 10pm just so I can say I got it done! I'm on week 7 (and may be there for awhile), but I'm proud of my progress and feel confident that soon I'll be running my first 5K. I ran today and it was a horrible run, but at least I did it. :) The other thing I've decided to do is go back to school. I know I must be crazy and I don't have a clue how I'm going to fit it in. I'd love to have my Degree in Early Childhood Development. Steve is behind me 100% and that means more to me than anything. I'm starting out slow and only taking one 8 week course to see how it goes and my class starts tomorrow! If this class goes well, I may try to take 2 classes next semester. We will see. The good news is, I have a lot of credits already left from when I did go to school forever ago. At least I don't have to start from scratch! Yes, a mother wears many hats...she just always needs to remember to wear all those hats well!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

One BUSY summer!

It's been one BUSY summer! Since my last post Blake's team has played a LOT of baseball! They ended up winning their Area Tournament at ITAA! It was very HOT, but we made it through the tournament! I don't see how these boys play in this heat!
After the Area Tournament we had a few days off to enjoy the 4th of July! We went to the Indian Trail parade (just like always). It was SO very hot...but the best float of all was the float for Extreme Ice Center...they had snow on their float and threw snowballs in the crowd! After the parade we took Alina to her favorite place to eat, Golden Corral. She LOVES how you can eat as much as you want and you don't have to pay everytime you get a plate!
On the 3rd, Alina had her dentist appointment. She was excited to see Dr Bird again! The cleaning went well, but she did have 2 cavities. She has lost all of her baby teeth and the cavities are in molars inbetween her teeth. So, we have to work really hard at teaching her to floss. She typically only brushes once a day in Belarus and that's not good since they don't have flouride in their water. I have a feeling we will be dealing with cavities year after year. July 5th was the beginning of Blake's State Tournament in Yadkinville. We found a hotel not far from the field that had an indoor pool and WATERSLIDES! The kids had a BLAST and I think they were all upset when it was time to come home! Blake's team went through the tournament undefeated and came home with the trophy! It was a very exciting tournament and Blake played really well! He is really hitting well and hit in the winning run of the first game of the 3 game championship series!
So now Blake's team is back to back 2 time WNC State Champions! Next stop is the Southeast Regional Tournament in Gaffney, SC (at least it's close this year). Games start next Thursday...wish us luck!!! We are in the process of trying to raise money to help defer the travel expenses, so if you know of anyone that may be interested let me know. Things are going great with Alina this year. It's amazing the difference a year can make. She is another year older and so are Blake and Davis. They are all more mature and are getting along more than not. Steve and I are also really trying to give each child equal attention. This weekend Steve took Davis to Cherokee camping, just the 2 of them. I can't wait to hear all about it. I'm sure they are having a blast! I can't believe we are already 1/3 of the way through Alina's visit!!!