Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcome 2014

It's been a busy first day of 2014 in the Efird house. Yes, I FINALLY took my shower after being in my pjs all day just to switch into a fresh pair of pjs. But don't let that fool you. We have gotten rid of all the Christmas decor in this house. Tree is gone. Lights are down (except that one strand that Steve can't get to without a really tall ladder). Every little pine needle has been sucked up in the vacuum. The living room has been rearranged and all the hardwoods have been cleaned. The laundry has been running nonstop and I even cleaned out the coat closet. The boys were good sports and helped with most of it. I feel like my home is back to normal...a clean slate.

 Our traditional New Year's Day dinner is cooking. The smell of pork tenderloin, black eyed peas, collard greens and corn bread fill the house. This is one of my favorite meals of the year. I only wish the rest of my family was as excited about it as I am.

 As the sun goes down on the first day of 2014, it's time to get my goals for the year down on paper. The are so many things that I want to accomplish this year, but I have to try to keep it simple to stay on track.

 1. Become members of our church. We do truly love our church and our church family. I'm not saying we will become members by the end of January, but I'd love to end 2014 as active members of our church. This will help our family keep God first in everything we do and bring us even closer to one another.

 2. Running goals. This is a hard one. There are so many goals I'd like to have for my running. Run a 10K, run a 5K in less than 30 minutes, run 12 races in 12 months and cross train twice a week.

 3. Drink more water. This one is simple. I just don't drink enough water and need to make it a priority to drink more.

 4. Flirt with my husband. Yes, flirt!  We are celebrating our 15th anniversary this year and sometimes in our busy lives I feel like we sometimes forget to be a couple.  So, it's time to FLIRT!

5.  Make a family budget and stick to it. I've actually already started this one. The budget has been made...sticking to it will be the hard part. I'm also planning to participate in a weekly savings challenge. I found the idea for the challenge on Pinterest. FIND IT HERE

 I'm not sure I'll reach all of these goals...but that's why they are goals. It's something to shoot for! Bring on 2014!!!